Somatic Stress Release™

Somatic Stress Release™ is a technique used to help release stored stress, emotions, trauma, and body tension. During Somatic Healing sessions, I guide my clients into reconnecting to their body as a safe “home” first. After this is established, we move into deeper layers of internal awareness.

Then, we simply “listen” to what the body is trying to communicate. I might ask, “What part of your body is calling for your attention and care?” We tune in, asking the body to lead and guide. Oftentimes, deeply held stress or emotions will begin to emerge asking to be seen, felt, or heard. With guidance from the body, I use a variety of techniques to mobilize and release stored stress held within.

Every session is unique to each client in terms of what is brought forward to be processed, and it’s an honor to hold space and be a safe witness to your experience. Somatic Healing Sessions are currently offered as 1-on-1 sessions over zoom, and in-person sessions are available in Colorado Springs, CO.

Meet your Practitioner

My name is Nicole Field. Somatics helped me come back to a sense of safety and home within my own body after suffering for decades from the effects of stress and trauma. I completed my training as a Holistic Life Coach and Mind/Body Practitioner in 2021 and earned my certification as a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner in 2022. I launched my Somatic business in the fall of 2022, and then after 20 years working in the Pilates industry, I sold my Pilates studio in 2024 to focus my energy full time on Spiral Soma.

I offer a variety of skills and experience as a movement professional and former Pilates teacher drawing on extensive training in Somatic Stress Release™, Mind/Body techniques, Pilates, dance, and understanding the autonomic nervous system.

I have deep compassion for anyone struggling through the physical and emotional toll left by stress or trauma in the body. I consider it an honor to hold sacred space for my clients as they go through the restorative process of coming back to their authentic selves.


• Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner, The Embody Lab

• Holistic Life Coach, The Mind Body Food Institute

• Mind/Body Practitioner, The Mind Body Food Institute

• Comprehensively Trained Pilates Teacher, Power Pilates & The Vertical Workshop

• Founder Whole Living Pilates

• Bachelor of Arts Degree in Dance, UCSB

• Member of International Institute of Complementary Therapists

• Member of International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine