Somatic work opens a doorway to connect with your body, release stress, and restore your nervous system.

What is Somatic
Stress Release™?

“Somatic Stress Release™ empowers you to holistically discharge stress, blocked emotions, and body tension, as well as relieve stagnated energy while restoring resilience.” —The Embody Lab

Somatic Healing Sessions

Work 1:1 With Me

Welcome. I’m Nicole, a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner and Holistic Life Coach. At Spiral Soma, my heart is to hold space for you to come into this work as you are. Your body holds a unique story that is waiting to be told. In this work, we take the time to truly listen to your body and how it wants to communicate with you. I use a number of Somatic practices to help you build capacity to be with the emotions and sensations already present in your body. Once you have the capacity to feel what is in your body now, we work to mobilize held tension, energy, and emotions ready to be processed. The result of this integration leads you to a sense of wholeness, restoration, and remembrance of your true self within. Sessions primarily held over Zoom. In-person sessions offered in Colorado Springs.

Reconnect to Your Body

Often, unprocessed stress and trauma hold us back from authentic expression of our true selves.

Perhaps you struggle with anxiety, depression, or panic in your daily life. Many of us mask these internal experiences for fear of rejection or abandonment from others.

As a result, we often navigate these struggles alone. This can feel overwhelming and leave us in a state of hyper-vigilance, burn out, or even collapse.

Work with Spiral Soma points to a pathway of remembrance, a way back to understanding your sacred body and the untapped wisdom within.

What if you could discover the truth held within your own body? What if you could befriend yourself and bring deeper compassion to your inner story?

How might you move differently in this world if you listened to the sensations and emotions in your body, these sacred messengers that can help you heal?

What would it feel like to work with your body instead of against it?

Are you ready to reconnect to your body?

What People Are Saying